When we visit a doctor or other healthcare provider we expect to leave feeling better, or at least with a treatment plan that will address the injury or illness that brought us to the office. In most cases that is precisely what occurs; however, sometimes a medical error is committed and a patient is actually harmed by the care the patient received from a doctor or other healthcare provider. When that happens the victim may be entitled to compensation for his or her injuries through a medical malpractice lawsuit. If you believe you are the victim of a medical error it is very important that you do not talk to the doctor’s (or other defendant’s) insurance company until you have first consulted with an experienced Michigan medical malpractice attorney.
Medical errors occur in the United States far more frequently than most people realize. Some medical errors only cause minor inconvenience or injury to the patient; however, many medical errors cause serious, even fatal, injuries to the victim. When a medical error is caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the healthcare provider, the victim may be entitled to compensation through a medical malpractice lawsuit. Once a healthcare provider has been alerted to the possibility of a lawsuit or medical malpractice claim, the provider typically alerts his or her medical malpractice insurer. This, in turn, often prompts a telephone call, or other attempt to communicate, from the insurance adjuster to the victim. If you are the victim of medical malpractice and an insurance adjuster tries to communicate with you do not speak to the adjuster for any reason without an experienced Southfield medical malpractice attorney by your side.
The insurance adjuster’s job is to limit the company’s liability. The easiest way to accomplish this is to get a potential plaintiff (you) to agree to resolve the issue in exchange for a token amount of compensation. All too often a victim ends up settling a valuable medical malpractice claim for a small amount of money, only to find out later that the injuries caused by the medical error will cause a lifetime of pain and suffering.
If you believe you are the victim of a medical error, contact an experienced Southfield medical malpractice attorney right away to determine what legal options you may have. If an insurance adjuster attempts to contact you advise the adjuster that you are seeking legal counsel and your attorney will be your voice from here on out.
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